Q: Do I still need a primary health care provider
A: Yes. Our goal is optimize your health and chronic illnesses, however we do not offer acute medical services, or services that replace the services your current medical team care. We provide a stand-alone service.
Q: Do I need to qualify for the Rowan Healthy Foundation Program?
This program is for anyone who is committed to improving their health. However when a condition requires urgent medical attention or hospitalization this program is not intended to meet your needs at that time. The Rowan Healthy Foundation Program requires someone to be engaged, motivated and willing to make lifestyle changes for the program to be effective. Someone who is not motivated or engaged will not be a good candidate for the program.
Q: How much should I budget for functional medicine testing labs:
A: As a part of the Rowan Healthy Foundations Program you will get direct cost for the lab testing. We recommend you budget between $500 and $1500.
Q: Is the lab testing covered by OHIP or insurance?
A: OHIP does not recognize functional medicine testing as an essential service that is covered. Insurance typically does not cover the cost.
Q: Can my consults be done over the phone or videoconferencing?
A: Yes. We do prefer you come in to the office for your first visit. However if that is not possible we can do your consults via teleconferencing or phone.
Q: How does the lab testing done?
A: Typically the lab testing is done in the comfort of your own home. If there is bloodwork required you will need to go to a lab or clinic to have it drawn. The kits will be shipped to your home and will come with detailed instructions on how to complete the kit and return it.
Q: What happens at the end of the Healthy Foundation Program?
A: Once your health has optimized you can still follow up as needed. The cost of a half hour appointment is $147 and a full hour is $297.